Saturday, April 05, 2008

Innovation = Dollars?

To continue on the creativity vs innovation theme I found this web site that says: "Think more creatively ~ innovate more profitably!"

So the web site, called Jenni, says it can help you and your company get your arms around this: "Idea management is a structured innovation process for capturing ideas from across a large group of people - such as your employees - and evaluating those ideas in order to identify the most promising. Jenni is a combination of software (which runs on the web) and human support that provides idea management through ideas campaigns.
An Ideas campaign is a structured process we have developed for idea management. Moreover, we believe it is the most effective, most sustainable and most motivational approach to idea management available. That's why we developed it and have used it as a model for Jenni idea management.

Honestly, the thought of having this kind of bureaucracy imposed around my idea generation makes me not want to do it in an environment this structured where someone is going to put it through hoops for profit. The question for me still remains - how do you define creativity vs innovation - because I do not want making money be related to whether something is innovative or not.

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